A Good Bad Day
A couple days ago my daughter and I came home to find we had been broken into and our 2 TV’s had been stolen. If you’ve ever been broken into you know that violated feeling. A few other things had been tampered with but not taken. After a quick look-through of the rest of the house I felt quite grateful for several things: first of all that we weren’t home when the robbers came, second thing was that nothing else that mattered was taken (the lock to the gun cabinet and my husband’s cell phone charger were what we noticed off the bat), third was that my home was organized enough to quickly go through to check what was missing, fourth was that they neatly unhooked the tv’s and fifth was I could finally dust under where the tv had been. And also I can truly say that I am grateful that I wasn’t upset that a few material items were taken from me.
Our friends had invited us over for the evening so we finally finished with the police report and regrouped to head over for an enjoyable evening. We were a few miles from home when I ran smack into a deer. Again I immediately sent up some prayers of thanks for several things: first that the three of us in the car were unharmed, second, although my car is in rough shape, it was not in as rough of shape as the deer who did not survive, third we were still able to drive the car and head to our friends, fourth we have other vehicles I can drive until we get mine fixed and fifth the sherriff’s department was already familiar with us from earlier in the day. And again I am totally grateful that I wasn’t so attached to my car that it upset me and then possibly I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy a lovely evening with friends.
I am so thankful for that day because it had so many good and memorable minutes. Above all it reminded me once again that life is all about our people, not our things.